Articles for the Humanitarian organization Hearts and Hands (HH)

§1 Title

  • The title of the organization is Hearts and Hands (HH). The organization is based in the City of Aarhus.

§2 Purpose

  • The overall purpose of the organization is to offer free healing to all those in need of it.
  • The concrete purpose of the organization is to organize and support therapists/healers who voluntarily, without remuneration and in accordance with the conditions specified by the organization, offer their services to all in need of healing.
  • The organization is independent of any religious or political interests.

§3 Organization

  • The organization consists of a self-elective board of three to seven members, who themselves constitute the highest authority of the organization, as well as a number of therapists/ healers who support the purpose of the organization with voluntary work.
  • The organization can be accounted for by two board members in agreement.
  • Resolutions reached at the general meeting of the organization are reached with a plain majority of votes; however, the organization can only be dissolved if 80% of the board are present at the meeting, and if at least 65% of these members vote for dissolving the organization. The purpose of the organization cannot be altered at any time.
  • A general meeting is held at least once a year, before April 1. The general meeting is called with at least 14 days written notice. Motions for the general meeting must be sent to the secretary of the organization at least 8 days before the general meeting.
  • The agenda for the general meeting must at least contain the following points:
    1. Annual report
    2. Presentation and adoption of the annual accounts, including a decision to use any accumulated profit (see §5).
    3. The constitution of the board.
    5. Other issues
  • There must be agreement between at least three members to propose an extraordinary general meeting. Their proposal must contain an agenda which documents the need for the meeting to be held. An extraordinary general meeting is called with at least 14 days written notice, the the agenda for the meeting must be included.
  • The organization selects a person skilled in accounts to audit the annual financial report.
  • The financial year of the organization follows the calendar year.

§4 The responsibilities of the board

  • The board is responsible for running of the organization on a day to day basis.
  • The board sets forth its own procedure and meets as often as it finds necessary. The board selects a chairman, a vice-chairman and a treasurer.
  • Board decisions are reached by a simple majority vote. Quorum is reached when at least two-thirds of the members are present. Selection of new members to the board can only take place through unanimous agreement when all members of the board are present.
  • The board ensures that all volunteers accept the conditions drawn up in the documents: Code of Conduct and Ethical Guidelines and follow these when working for the organization. The documents are available on the Hearts and Hands homepage.
  • The board is in charge of fundraising as specified in §5 below.
  • There is no remuneration for work done for the board.
  • A board member can renounce their membership of the board and the organization at 14 days’ notice.

§5 Organizational funds

  • At the date of foundation, the organization has a capital of DKK 0,00. Until the funds of the organization reach DKK 5.000, then the members (as a group) are liable for debt to the maximum extent of DKK 5.000.
  • The funds of the organization must be used to cover expenses connected to fulfilling the purpose of the organization (see §2)

§6 Articles

  • The overall purpose of the organization cannot be changed.
  • Ratifications to the articles can only be made by a unanimous board.

§7 Dissolution of the organization

  • If the organization is dissolved, then any funds it might have must go to common charity. Adopted at the annual general meeting, 28.01.2014.

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Copenhagen: Personal healing