Support us

Support Hearts and Hands

Everyone in Hearts and Hands are working on voluntary basis and free of charge, therefore we are happily accepting any help we may receive.

If you feel that many more would benefit from receiving free healing and wish to donate a financial contribution then please use:

Our account in Arbejdernes Landsbank
Account: reg. no.: 5381 account no.: 0398046

Outside of Denmark please use the following banking information:
IBAN no.: DK4653810000398046

All contributions are received gratefully, with many thanks.

Would you like to contribute otherwise? 

-then please contact the board.
It could be with organisational work, web page, IT, fund applications, printing brochures, finding atriums for our centers – or something entirely different.

Distant healing every day


Wednesday d. 23. October 2024
Copenhagen: Personal healing
Monday d. 28. October 2024
Wednesday d. 30. October 2024
Copenhagen: Personal healing