Start up procedure of Hearts & Hands Healing Centre

We encourage the initiator to visit and participate in one of the established healing centers at least twice: The first time to have the experience of what it means to be a recipient of healing on equal terms with other visitors to the centre. The second time to join in healing with the healers, giving healing to visitors to the centre.

We also ask that you read

If you still have an interest and can agree to our values and how we work, then we can continue our journey together. This means that we would like to invite you to a meeting with a representative from our board or invite you to participate in a board meeting, whichever is possible. Along the way the experience and support from the established healing centers will naturally be a guideline for the start up of your centre.

The same procedure will be relevant for recruiting new healers in the healing centre. In this case it will be the coordinator of the healing centre who makes sure the procedures are kept, and informs and keep contact with the new healers. The board will offer support and advice through this entire process.

When becoming a part of Hearts & Hands, we suggest that you also sign up as a distant healer. In that way you will automatically be on the mailing list to receive invites to gatherings, newsletters and information from the board.

On behalf of the board,
Kindest regards
Rikke Hedeman
T: tel:4058 7207

Distant healing every day


Monday d. 17. March 2025
Wednesday d. 19. March 2025
Copenhagen: Personal healing
Wednesday d. 26. March 2025
Copenhagen: Personal healing